See What Counter - Edge Style Looks Best to You. Dupont Square with a rounded-top edge. Shop kitchen counters on Houzz. A wide variety of granite edge options became available to consumers because of the usage of modern CNC machines to fabricate granite countertops. After choosing the right color granite slabs for your kitchen countertops , the important next step is to select the edge profile that will go along all of the exposed areas of the kitchen countertops.
In any kitchen design it is often the details that set it apart, and choosing your countertop edge is not a detail you want to overlook. The edge can complete the style of your dream kitchen. Let’s look at the various options and understand how to complement the style of your kitchen , as well as your budget.
Our Beveled Edges can be made in any laminate color and even the basic solid surface colors. Then we build a matching backsplash with a beveled edge to match your countertop. Decorative Laminate Edge Options for your Countertop. An Eased edge style is a slightly ‘softened’ square that alleviates that har sharp edge typically seen on laminate countertops. Although the eased edge style doesn’t detract from a small kitchen.
And that little shape might at first seem a purely aesthetic concern. Kitchen Countertop Ideas - Counter tops are big component of your kitchen. Treat your countertop edge as jewelry for your kitchen and bath.
Choose from two unique, architectural options to add the perfect finishing touch to countertops , vanities, tables and desks. Give your kitchen a new look and make meal prep easy with the right countertop. Get kitchen countertop ideas , material comparisons, and countertop samples. We’ll help make your new countertops happen from start to finish. There are so many questions to answer, and this week we’re talking about countertop edges.

We get a lot questions from people. What countertop edge should I choose? How does it affect the look of my kitchen ? My goal in this video is to answer all those questions. We carry four main standard edges. This edge would be the easiest to clean.
It will be the most harsh on the elbows when leaning on the edge of the countertop , with its edges being slightly more pointed. Spillage will trickle down onto the floor, as the bottom edge comes to a point. The eased edge will give the countertop the thickest look. The countertop is an essential component of the kitchen.
But more than that, the countertop is the bedrock of kitchen décor when doing a kitchen renovation. It bears the burden of setting the tone and feel of the space. The square edge is one of the most basic cuts, but it has plenty to offer, including a sleek, clean line to a kitchen or bathroom countertop. However, the edge won’t be perfectly square.
If you look closely, you’ll see small grooves to soften an otherwise sharp corner. Information and images of the different edges available for Silestone countertops , including models, thickness and colors. You will get a 3D image of your kitchen.
We offer a variety of laminate, solid surface, and quartz countertops , as well as in-stock laminate countertops to match any style. Check Out Countertop Edges on eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color Today! Even though it seems like a minute detail, countertop edges can significantly enhance the style of your kitchen , almost like jewelry for your countertop ! MSI offers different edge profiles to choose from and even has a Countertop Edge Visualizer tool to help make your final decision the easiest one yet. Please contact us to find out if your preferred edge is available in any particular color.
Granite edges can also be used to highlight the architecture of the room. By investing in these small details, you can bring your kitchen together in subtle and impressive ways. Here are a few more ideas for granite edges for your kitchen countertops. The kitchen countertop is the perfect place to add the ultimate design touch to your kitchen. Regardless of which kitchen countertop ideas you’re attracted to, select materials that are durable and built to withstand the wear and tear associated with cooking and prep.
Countertop edging is an important part of providing the finished appearance of your new kitchen countertop. In spite of this, it is also something that is quite often overlooked. There are many options for countertop edging, so there is a range of choices for a wide range of situations.
Choosing the right kitchen countertop can be tricky (and expensive!). Before splurging on such a big update, check out the pros and cons of the top kitchen countertop materials to help you select the right one for your space.
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