Do quartz countertops emit radon ? Not enough to worry about according to the EPA, if at all. You’d be better off worrying about what color of quartz you’d like to have in your kitchen or bathroom than to spend too much time worrying about any radon that could be emitted from them. Should I be concerned about the radiation that quartz countertops emit ? It can emit trace amounts of radon , much like any other natural stone product used in replacement countertops, tile or hardscape.
What is usually called “ quartz ” and made into countertops is more properly called engineered stone. Engineered stone — a blend of crushed quartz , glass and resins — does not release radon because it is. The radon scare has been an on and off hot subject of contention for some time. Homeowners with quartz countertops may or may not be aware of what radon is and how it can affect specific areas of a home, but many new or older homes are often tested for it through a home inspector or individual home radon test kits to help alleviate the worries associated with it. If you like movement in your counter top than granite is the way to go, but stay away from.
Slightly more expensive, but ALOT less care and maintenance. Quartz (or Silestone) is the best. I have granite and would not change it for anything. It is often made with a Microban.
If you do not want it you can go with quartz, butcher block, or laminate. Many manufactured household materials, like granite countertops, emit small levels of radon. Do some granite countertops emit radon ? The reports were about granite countertops that contain radium, which can emit radon , a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. Deciding between quartz and granite countertops? Although quartz countertops will have less to zero radon , it does not preclude granite as a less safe choice in kitchen.
Science has proven that granite countertops do NOT significantly contribute to radon concentration. They emit no more radiation than. We need a material that does not emit VOCs or radon or have other scary stuff in it.
Paper counters require sealing and have resin. Granite and quartz have radon. A single study is not definitive, of course, but it does suggest that radon from quartz countertops is an insignificant hazard. Turning to the hazard of being exposed to gamma radiation, we know that uranium, thorium, and potassium in natural rocks emit gamma radiation. Limestone, soapstone, and marble countertops do not pose a radon concern, according to Kitto.
Among Corian and Silestone, radon is either not present or in such negligible quantities that it does not matter. There is no known safe level of radon or radiation. Given that soil and rock slowly and naturally emit radon gas, some sought out to study whether these men and women who work so close to the earth face any elevated risk of radon exposure. But the fact that stone countertops emit a negligible amount of radon does not mean that you don’t have a high radon level in your home caused by uranium and radium in the soil below your house. We recommend testing, and a home test kit is available at the big-box home improvement warehouses and most hardware stores for about $25.
Allegations that granite countertops may emit dangerous levels of radon and radiation have been raised periodically over the past decade. Health physicists and radiation experts agree that most granite countertops emit radiation and radon at extremely low levels. Radon can be a carcinogen and is therefore a health concern, especially in poorly ventilated indoor spaces.
Natural quartz can emit trace amounts of radon. Could your granite countertops be leaking radon gas? What advice does the EPA have about radon for consumers who have granite. Almost all of these products do not emit any radon gasses. This is why Gamma measurements made with simple hand-held meters such as geiger counters have absolutely no relationship to potential radon emissions.
After an extensive series of tests were recently conducted on all of the major types of granite used for countertops, it was determined that granite is not a significant source of radon gas and the small amount of the gas found was far below the level even requiring reporting by the EPA. People love their granite countertops, though some now consider them too commonplace and prefer newer choices like quartz or quartzite. But there’s another reason some segue from granite. Crema Bourdeaux has the highest radon levels followed by Tropic Brown and Baltic Brown.
RADON AND HEALTH What is radon and where does it come from? It cannot be detected without special equipment. Radon is a natural radioactive gas without odour, colour or taste.

Radon occurs as a product of uranium decay. Uranium is a natural radioactive material found in varying amounts in all rocks, soil, concrete and bricks. For these reasons, many quartz countertop products are certified by the GreenGuard Environmental Institute, an independent agency that verifies claims of low chemical emissions.
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