Product costs, availability and item numbers may vary online or by market. There are two types of products you can use for staining concrete floors:. To ensure that you have the best coverage possible,. However, cleaning concrete with muriatic acid (acid washing) before acid staining depletes the lime in the concrete , preventing acid stains from reacting properly and producing the desired color.

Knowing the best prep method for your project is critical. Begin by removing dirt, grease or mildew with a non-residue cleaner. Put on boots, gloves and safety goggles with a respirator before handling. Let the concrete dry for a least hours, and sweep off any. Each kit includes gallon of acid stain , gallon of concrete sealer, cleaning and neutralizing supplies, tools, protective gear and a sprayer!
The problem is that concrete staining is partly art, and art requires practice. Generally you only get one shot doing DIY. I have done this to all the rooms in my home.
Parts of the concrete will absorb the stain differently. Rust spots will finish darker than the rest of the area you are staining. You can fill any holes or uneven areas in the concrete , but the fill will absorb the stain more quickly and be darker than the un-filled areas.
Not all home improvement experts agree on what is better, concrete paint or concrete stain , because it depends on your desired.