Straight cuts are easy using an angle cutter and a diamond wheel designed for cutting tile. Nippers are for softer tile, like ceramic. Cutting curves into a porcelain tile is not difficult, but it requires specific tools and techniques. With a little practice, you can cut curved edges and create openings for a better fit and.
The heat softens the tile , and allows you to make rounde curve and complicated cuts in the tile with ease. Home improvement Ron Hazeltons demonstrates how to make a curved cut in cermanic tile when working on kitchen or bathroom sinks and countertops. A neat tile cutting trick for getting a perfectly-sized curved cut without needing to buy a big fancy hole saw!
Made in Scotland , This tool can cut shapes in Ceramic, Porcelain, Thick Quarry Tile , Even Glass, Great on Glass Tiles and Mirror - Stained Glass and Mosaic Artists Love it. Flip the tile face up and using a rubber hammer, gently tap on the cut area until the waste material falls out. Another way to create a hole in ceramic tile is by using a carbide hole saw made just for this purpose. First, cut a jig from a thin sheet of plywood or Masonite.
Keep in mind that there will be a small offset between the edge of the tool and the bit. Practice on a broken tile until the jig is just right. Next, clamp the jig to the tile and make your cut. The easiest part of the project is actually making the cut. This cutting disk will cut through ceramic, porcelain and even natural stone tiles , although the latter make take a little longer.
How to Cut a Ceramic Tile. The tool you use will depend on what sort of cut you are doing and how many tiles you plan on cutting. There are many numbers of ways to make circular cuts in ceramic tile. Cutting ceramic tiles may sound scary, but it is actually surprisingly easy.
But the method of cutting is dependent upon the type of tile you are using. Not all ceramic tiles have the same hardness. I would consider buying a ceramic- tile saw if you have lots of cuts.
You start by marking the cut and scoring the face of the tile on the line. Then, rather than deepen the scoring cut , simply remove the excess tile with straight cuts (Photo 1). Before you remove the excess tile (Photo 1), be sure to make short cuts on both sides of the semicircle (and 2). Then connect the cuts as shown (3). Using the wet tile saw cut from the edge to the point where the rough cuts meet.

You can use it to cut tile finishing trim pieces, such as bullnose and quarter- round pieces. And because the process of cutting tile goes so quickly with a wet saw, you can cut large numbers of tile in a short period of time. Best suited for: Large tile jobs where you need to make many cuts in tile , and different types of cuts in tile. Curve cuts on porcelain tiles Obtaining curved cuts on different types of tiles , including porcelain tiles , gives you the possibility of creating floors or walls with a unique enhanced design which ultimately will give high added value to the job. If doing this on the reverse of the tile , make sure that the template is the correct way around to produce the correct tile shape.
Draw around the template with a pencil or other sharp pointed implement. Once the outline has been drawn on with the help of the template, it can then be cut out to begin the process of installing. I have had good luck with a round carbide coated blade that fits a standard hacksaw frame. They will cut tile or stone pretty easily.
It will cut at any angle that you can hold the hacksaw. You can also drill a hole in the tile pass the blade thru the hole and reattach it to the saw frame. L- cuts are cuts that remove a piece of tile to fit in a corner, around a cabinet, or a piece of molding.
You can customize your tile with L- cuts by measuring out and marking the cuts you need to make on the tile , then using a combination of straight cuts and notches to cut out the full shape. Drilling holes up to about ½ inch diameter through glazed ceramic tile is easy with carbide-tipped masonry bits. But what if you need to bore a 2-inch hole for a plumbing stubout?
Contractors typically use expensive hole saws with carbide-grit cutting edges, but there is another way. To learn how to drill a hole in tile using a tile hole saw, consult the guide below. I purchased a ceramic tile cutting kit from Lowes, but it was a joke. I have a wet saw but this is not practical for a round cut. Really, if I am using large tile and if I had the hole saw I might even make my layout work to where the cut is in one piece.
A tile saw generally looks a bit like a hack saw, with a frame holding the ends of a special tile cutting blade (the blade is round in section with cutting edges on all sides). When using a tile saw, always work from the glazed side of the tiles and make the cut on the down stroke. Make parallel cuts from the side of each tile down the curve using what is called a tile wet saw. The resulting hole should closely resemble piano keys in the exact shape of a curve. Using tile nippers, bite off each of these teeth and then proceed to use a tile wet saw to grind down the interior edge.
You can either drill, using a small masonry or tile drill, drill small holes all the way round the diameter of the hole you need to cut and then insert your tile saw and cut along the edges to join up the holes. There are lots of ways to make curved cuts in tiles , but one of the simplest is to use a tile saw. This has a round blade, which helps you change direction easily.
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