Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to clean a granite counter top

How to clean a granite counter top

A granite countertop is properly sealed when water splashed on the surface beads up. While granite is a very hard surface and less porous than marble, unsealed or weakly sealed granite will soak up oils, spills, and stains. To check whether your granite is seale leave a few drops of water on the surface.

If it beads up, you have a secure seal. Granite is extremely resistant to bacteria, an important consideration for kitchen counters in particular. And the granite in countertops has been sealed to make it stain-resistant. To keep the glossy shine for which it’s prize you need to clean granite counters regularly and carefully.

Here’s how to clean a granite countertop. Learn an easier and better way to deep clean your granite. But if you want to know how to clean granite countertops.

Dry off the countertop , not only to protect the granite from water damage but also to eliminate streaks and leave the surface with an. Keeping a granite countertop clean requires frequency more than it does a lot of time and effort. While granite is known for its unique character and its antibacterial properties, unfortunately, granite is also known for being a more difficult surface to clean. To keep granite countertops clean , use a microfiber cloth to dust off the surface. Often a microfiber cleaning cloth, even a dry one, is all that is needed for basic cleaning.

For times when spills or daily life happen, try to wipe down the granite countertop daily or as needed using only water. For wet cleaning , use a soft cloth dipped into a solution of warm water and mild dishwashing liquid. Rinse the surface with clean water and dry with a clean , soft towel. Look for commercial stainless-steel cleaners to remove fingerprints and smudges. To seal granite countertops, wipe down the surface with a mild dish soap solution and give it hours to dry completely.

Next, evenly spray a penetrating sealer product made for natural stone on the countertop until the entire surface is damp, but not soaked. Wait minutes, then wipe excess sealer off with a clean rag. In general, maintaining a granite counter is wiping it down with a damp absorbent cloth or sponge then weekly cleaning with a mild detergent. Tips Clean your granite countertop with water and an absorbent cloth.

Steve explains how to clean , disinfect, and maintain your granite countertops. A few simple steps and you can maintain your granite looking as new as when you first had it installed. Wash the surface with water and after that get it dry with a spotless or new microfiber material.

Enjoy Now That You Know How To Clean Granite Countertop Stains: Presently you have sparkling and clean granite counters! Describes how to clean and disinfect natural granite countertops, including green methods along with commercial chemical cleansers. Gives context on granite as a countertop material, and compares it to marble and engineered stone. Includes information on maintenance or stain removal. These cleaners are formulated to leave your counters super shiny.

I just had a new granite counter top installe and noted that there is a small area of the counter top that looks dull. When you run your hand over it, it has a different smoothness to it than the rest of the surface. Keeping the surface free of dirt and grime will help preserve granite. Wipe the top down regularly.

Clean your countertop regularly with warm water and a few drops of dish or antibacterial detergent using a soft cloth. To keep up all the “pros” of granite , it’s important to create some habits out of countertop cleaning and maintenance. For one, always wipe up spills immediately, which you probably would anyways. This guide explains how to clean granite countertops.

Here are instructions for how to clean granite countertops, as well as granite countertop care tips for daily care as well as when there are scratches, stains or etching. Granite countertops have become an increasingly popular choice for both kitchen and bathroom counters in recent years, and it is easy to see why. It also works great on painted wall surfaces, mirrors, windows, and high shine metal fixtures. I sprayed my granite countertop , the fixtures, and the porcelain sink and then waited. Don’t wait so long that everything dries.

If you have build-up like I do give it a few minutes to work its way through the gunk and do its thing. Periodically clean your granite surfaces with a natural stone or granite cleaner to restore shine. Products such as Granite Gold are available at grocery stores, department stores, hardwares and home improvement stores.

Removing Stains from Granite. Granite is a porous stone, so time is of the essence when it comes to removing stains. Apply a sealant to keep it in top shape. Clean the surface with a mild soap.

How to clean a granite counter top

I mistakenly spilled some cleaning solution (that I use for the toilet) on my black granite counter top , and it left a white streak on it. I just purchased that counter top , and did not know that I should have had it sealed. How to Seal a Granite Countertop.

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