Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to sanitize quartz countertops

Clean fresh spills with dish soap and a soft cloth, e. Use glass or surface cleaner, along with a nonabrasive sponge, to remove stains. To clean granite countertops on a daily basis, wipe them down with a warm soapy rag. For a deeper clean, use a special granite cleaner or make your own by combining dish detergent and rubbing alcohol. Do not use ammonia, vinegar, or lemon cleaners, which are all acidic and may eat away at the surface. Quartz countertops are composed of ground quartz stone , pigments and resin.

How to sanitize quartz countertops

These popular, granite-like countertops are naturally glossy and do not require polishing. Some care is needed to ensure they maintain their luster. Just wipe away any spills or crumbs on your countertop ! Dry with a microfiber cloth to avoid streaking: Dry and buff your granite countertop thoroughly with a microfiber cloth or soft terry cloth towel to avoid streaking. Here’s how to clean a granite countertop. First, wipe the counter surface with warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

You can also use a 50:solution of isopropyl alcohol and water. How to Clean a Quartz Countertop. Because of its rich natural color pattern, durability and ease of upkeep, quartz is highly sought after as a finish for kitchen countertops. What can be used to Disinfect Granite Countertops ? Granite slabs are proven to be very safe countertops material for kitchens, baths and other areas of homes and commercial establishments.

It is good to know that granite countertops are not a breeding ground for bacterial growth. In many people’s minds, granite means strength and resilience. But if you want to know how to clean granite countertops successfully, the watchword is caution. The stone can actually be damaged. We loved the look of them, and they were easy to clean and maintain– we were sold on quartz ! Caesarstone Organic White in our townhouse kitchen.

Different types of countertops require different methods of care. Read on for the right way to clean the countertops in your kitchen or bath, plus pick up some easy cleaning tricks to make the job even easier. Saturate a Microfiber Cloth.

Remove all items from the countertop so you’ll have a clear space to work. Dust away the big stuff, like dirt and crumbs. In this article we will delve deeper into the topic of how to clean quartz countertops. We will look a different aspects of what it means to clean quartz surfaces. The Best Cleaner for Quartz.

When searchers look for the best cleaner for quartz countertops , some may expect to find a brand name or a specific product. We are always asked to recommend a cleaner that will disinfect and kill germs on natural stone surfaces. We recommend a product from from Stone Care International called Counterrific, Ready- To -Use Spray Disinfectant. First, clean and dry the countertop thoroughly.

Wearing protective gloves, spray the sealant evenly onto the granite,. Allow the sealer to penetrate for the time recommended by product directions. Spray or rub on a second application, and leave it on for the recommended time.

As quartz countertops continue to grow in popularity , we hear more and more questions about them. While the care is simple, it is important that you perform these necessary steps in order to keep the sheen on your counters bright and get the most out of your investment. For stains on granite or marble countertops , clean with a paste of baking soda and water (for oil-based stains) or hydrogen peroxide (for water-based stains). Once you know how to care for granite and some no-nos to avoi cleaning is simple. No two granite countertops are the same.

Surfaces like your kitchen countertops and sink should be cleaned every time you use them. Actual quartz is pretty resilient, so it can handle harsher cleaning products better than many other countertops. That means your granite countertop can quickly become a bacterial breeding ground for E. Coli, Salmonella, col flu and more. Fill a spray bottle with plain water. Squirt a couple drops of mild soap, such as dish detergent, on the counter.

Spritz water on the countertop to dilute the soap. Then, you can use a soft cloth to wipe the counter. Do I Need a Special Cleaner for Quartz Countertops ? Silestone quartz surfaces and countertop maintenance.

What I’m Getting Instead of Those Ugly-as-Sin Kitchen Mats. Otherwise, granite countertops need very little upkeep. Granite is a good choice for kitchen countertops because it’s not sensitive to most common household acids,” adds Brian Kornet, owner and president of Fabra-Clean in Plainview, New York. While granite is known for its unique character and its antibacterial properties, unfortunately, granite is also known for being a more difficult surface to clean. Furthermore quartz countertops require little maintenance to keep to the luster and appearance looking brand new.

Granite is a durable, versatile material that’s easy to care for, but when it comes to cleaning granite countertops, using abrasive or acidic cleaners can damage the finish and actually make your countertop look worse than it did before. Steve explains how to clean , disinfect , and maintain your granite countertops. A few simple steps and you can maintain your granite looking as new as when you first had it installed.

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