Like any surfacing materials it can be damaged by abuse and carelessness. Available in matching countertop edge trim and caulk. Skip the line and the limited selection at your local retailer.
Achieve the look you want for any design challenge or budget. Pictured here is Concrete Stone , a trend forward countertop material that offers an urban yet classic look. Concrete Stone Countertop Grade Laminate Sheets provide lasting beauty like no other surfacing product can.
Anwith thousands of patterns, colors and finishes to choose from, your kitchen countertop, bathroom vanity, laundry room or garage worktop will be uniquely yours for a price that leaves room in your budget for special extras. With literally endless combinations of colors and patterns. Laminate is a cost effective way to turn any room into the design of your dreams. Faux Stone with Epoxy is a step by step free advanced tutorial video that will cover, making faux concrete natural stone , resin art, advanced color technique, moving color with a heat gun, and much. Wide variety of stone , woodgrain and solid colors to choose from.
Granite is the most popular natural stone countertop material and costs from $to over $2per square foot. Explore the latest Residential Collection — Blurred Lines — featuring luxurious stone laminate designs with an unmatched transitional beauty that allows them to blend with a variety of styles.