The paint is designed to cover laminate , solid-surface, ceramic tile, wood or cultured-marble countertops. The result is a seamless surface that transforms the look of the kitchen. The striations and colors will differ each time you use the product, so it’s best to tackle the whole kitchen at once so that you develop a relatively consistent. Sometimes, plastic laminate countertops, also called Formica countertops, need an update — and that doesn’t require replacing them all together. You can simply paint over them.
The first step to painting laminate countertops is roughing up the surface enough to allow the paint to adhere well. Replacing laminate countertops with stone can be quite pricey, but they can be redesigned for half the cost with some paint and a bit of patience. Not only can your counters be a different color, but they can even look like an entirely new material. Apply two to three coats of paint to the laminate using a paint brush to cut in around the edges and a low-nap paint roller to paint the surfaces.
It is important to apply thin, even coats of paint. Allow the first coat of paint to thoroughly dry before applying the next coat. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and check out the paint department. They carry paint stripping products.
Most are gel and brush on, are allowed to sit for X amount of mins.